Sveaskog publishes Annual and Sustainability Report for 2023

Sveaskog’s operating profit for 2023 amounted to MSEK 1,429, which is a five per cent increase on the previous year. The Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting in April resolve on a dividend to the owner, the Swedish State, of MSEK 1,207 (1,150).

“As the supply of timber, pulpwood and forest-based biofuels in the country was generally lower than expected, demand for wood raw materials remained high in 2023. As a result of the wood shortage and increased demand for fuelwood, record-breaking increases were made to the prices on pulpwood as well as sawlogs, which has benefited Sveaskog,” says Erik Brandsma, President and CEO of Sveaskog.

"The forest industry is one of the country’s most influential industries and important for Sweden. Sveaskog future-proofs by making the best use of the company’s assets. Our vision is to be the world leader in sustainable value creation in the forest and to achieve this, we strive to make the best use of the asset that our forest and land represent. Although Sveaskog’s primary business continues to be forestry, we plan to take an increasingly active role in the value chain, including by increasing revenues through land use,” says Erik Brandsma.

For more information, please contact Sveaskog’s Press Office:

E-mail:, phone: +46 (0)8-655 90 50 

Sveaskog, a state-owned company, is the largest forest owner in Sweden. Our mission is to create value from our forest and land through responsible and long-term management, while at the same time contributing to Sweden’s national environmental and climate objectives and achieving the global goals of Agenda 2030. Every day, our more than 800 employees work to balance the ecological, economic and social values of the forest and the land to ensure vibrant forests for the future

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