Salmon and sea trout fishing is a movable fishery where you benefit from changing locations often. Making 2-3 casts and then moving a few steps downstream is a good basic rule. Choose your starting location for your fishing with common sense. Never go out in front of another fisherman. It is your responsibility to ensure that your fishing does not disturb any other fisherman. Pools 2, 3 and 4 are our most accessible pools and are appreciated by those who have difficulty getting around. Extra consideration may be required here.
The fact that fishing can be conducted as it is in river Mörrum is largely due to the goodwill of private landowners. Show respect for them and thank them by not harming or unnecessarily disturbing those who live along the river.
Do not disturb, do not destroy - The Right of Public Access means that we all have access to nature, but this includes both rights and obligations. This means taking responsibility for nature and wildlife and showing consideration for landowners and other visitors. We expect you to take all your garbage with you from the places you visit and put it in one of our established garbage sorting stations.
Always start your fishing behind the fisherman in front.
Be helpful, talk to each other, create a positive atmosphere.
Make sure your bait is at a safe distance from the fisherman in front.