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Fishing rules for salmon fishing on Mörrum's Kronolaxfiskes stretches

These rules cover fishing for salmon, sea trout and hybrids (cross salmon-sea trout). For angling there are other fishing licenses and regulations
Our fishing rules exist to enable recreational fishing that is based on a water and fishery conservation management as well as the Swedish fisheries legislation. Every year, a rule review is made to further improve the conditions for fishermen, nature and fish. Rules that change during the season are published on our website.

Angelreglen auf Deutsch | Fishing rules in German (pdf)

Fishing license

To fish in River Mörrum, a fishing license is required, the license is personal and cannot be transferred. A valid fishing license must be carried and, together with identification, can be presented at fisheries inspections. You can buy a fishing license at Mörrum's Kronolaxfiske in Laxens Hus or online at www.morrum.com . It is the fishing license holder's responsibility to read and follow the regulations. If you are in doubt about any rule or rule interpretation, you are welcome to our reception for more information.

Fishing season

On the opening day, March 1, fishing may be conducted between 09:00-17:00
At other times, fishing may be conducted between 05:00 – 02:00
On the last fishing day, September 30, fishing may be conducted between 05:00 and 00:00

Allowed fishing quotas

Permitted personal quota is 2 killed fish/person/season. Permitted daily quota is 1 killed salmonoids fish/person. The daily quota includes salmon, sea trout and hybrid. After you have taken up the permitted daily quota (1 fish), you must stop your fishing for the day. Should you, however, release your live catch, you may then continue fishing. When you have reached your personal seasonal quota (2 fish), it is allowed to continue fishing and carry out catch & release in a responsible manner according to our rules and recommendations.

Total seasonal quota on Mörrum's Kronolaxfiskes stretches is 100 killed fish (salmon, trout, hybrids). If and when the total catch quota is reached, no fisherman may kill more fish during the current season, regardless of whether the personal quota has been reached or not. In such a case, we go out with information via the website, reception, social media and our supervisors that the quota has been reached and that from that day it is only responsible fishing with catch & release that applies for the rest of the season.

Registration of catch

All salmon caught, released or killed, regardless of length, must be registered. If your catch is to be released, it should only be estimated by length, not weighed. Registration is done via our website www.morrum.com or via our reception in Laxens Hus on the day of the catch. There is also a weighing station where you can measure and weigh your killed catch to make your registration complete.

Permitted and illegal catch

Salmon, sea trout and hybrids under 50 cm may not be killed and must be released immediately.
Fail hooked fish, hooked in places other than the mouth or throat, must be unhooked with the utmost care and immediately released again. In such an event, the fish must not be registered. If the fish dies or will obviously die due to fail hooking or for other reasons cannot be released, it must be handed over to the reception at Mörrums Kronolaxfiske. This must be done regardless of whether your personal quota or the total season quota has been reached or not. In the event of such an event after the reception's opening hours, on-call personnel must be called by phone: +46 454 51280. The fish will belong to the owner of the fishing rights, i.e. Mörrums Kronolaxfiske. The killed fish will not count towards your personal quota and must not be registered by you as a fisherman. However, Mörrum's Kronolaxfiske will register the fish on the total seasonal quota.

Rainbow trout and pink salmon must be immediately killed and registered. These fish are not included in personal quota or seasonal quota.

Should you catch any species other than salmon, it must be immediately released again without being registered.

Permitted fishing methods

Fishing must be done using traditional methods and only spinning and fly rods are allowed. One rod per person. Fly fishing traditionally refers to fly fishing with a fly rod, fly reel, fly line, fly. Spinning fishing traditionally refers to spinning fishing with a spinning rod, spinning reel, line and bait (lure). Spinn fishing with drifting a lead weight and casting float are allowed with lure or fly. Upstream cast is prohibited. If and when Catch & release is practiced, the fish must never be lifted above the water surface. Sonar or equipment to locate fish or water depth is prohibited. Upstream cast is prohibited.

Time-limited rules

Kelt salmon, sea trout & hybrids (males & females) must always be released.
Fresh sea trout, (males and females) may be killed according to quota rules during March-July, but during March and April only if the fish was caught in pool 1-16.
Fresh salmon and hybrids (males and females) may be killed according to quota rules during March-July.
During August and September, all females (salmon, sea trout, hybrid) must be released again. During August and September, only males (salmon, trout, hybrid) may be killed.
Zoning between the two zones pool 1–16 and pool 17–32 applies to all fishing licenses where pool 1–32 is included during the period 15 – 31 May. Switching between the two zones takes place at 13.00.


We recommend that you release all your catch during the season.

Preparations for catch & release

  • The higher the water temperature is, the more important your preparations are before applying catch & release – with the right procedure, the fish's chances of survival increase despite lower oxygen levels.
  • The fishing equipment must be sized for salmon fishing according to prevailing conditions.
  • Be well prepared with a plier, preferably use a net with a rubberized knot-free net.
  • Use hooks free of barbs or pinch the barb on your fishing hook.

Execution of catch & release

  • Minimize the time of the fight, take the fish quite hard.
  • Use a net or your hand to catch the fish. Always wet your hand before handling the fish. Always grab the fish's tail, never anywhere else on the fish's body.
  • The fish must always lie freely in the water so that it does not rub against land, the bottom or rocks.
  • The fish must never be lifted above the surface of the water! (NOTE, this is a rule!)
  • After removing the hook from the fish's mouth, hold the fish with a grip around its tail, not with more force than necessary. Aim to keep the fish as loose as possible. Rest it against your other palm, placing it behind the pectoral fins and not directly under the abdomen. The fish must always be kept under the surface of the water, always point its head towards the direction of the current so that it can oxygenate itself. Let the fish take its time to recover and when it wants to swim on, release your grip on the tail.


Fishing equipment must be sized for salmon fishing according to prevailing conditions.

The fish must never be lifted above the water surface!

Always start your fishing behind the fisherman in front.


Be helpful, talk to each other, create a positive atmosphere.


Make sure your bait is at a safe distance from the fisherman in front.